International Anti-Corruption Day

International Anti-Corruption Day
9 December . Attitudes on corruption are changing. As recently as ten years ago, corruption was only whispered about. Today there are signs of growing intolerance toward corruption and more and more politicians and chief executives are being tried and convicted.

Ruangan Artalyta Suryani di Penjara

Ruangan Artalyta Suryani di Penjara - Artalyta Suryani pernah menjadi pemberitaan heboh di media massa nasional terkait kasus rekaman pembicaraanya dengan Jaksa Urip soal suap menyuap Rp 6 Miliar. Kini Artalyta Suryani kembali menjadi pemberitaan hangat disejumlah media soal perlakuan khusus yang mewah di penjara oleh pihak Rumah Tahanan Pondok Bambu, Jakarta.

Seperti yang ditemukan saat inspeksi mendadak yang dilakukan tiga anggota Satuan Tugas Pemberantasan Mafia Hukum, yaitu Denny Indrayana, Mas Achmad Santosa, dan Yunus Husein. Mereka menemukan ruang tahanan yang dihuni oleh Artalyta Suryani alias Alin mempunyai fasilitas mewah dan kenyamanan sekelas hotel berbintang yang tersedia.

Adapun tempat pertama yang dikunjungi oleh Tim Satgas di Rutan Pondok Bambu adalah ruang bimbingan kerja (bingker). Dari luar ruangan tersebut mereka mengawasi sosok Artalyta Suryani. Dan didalam ruangan besar Alin tengah duduk berselonjor di sebuah sofa bed sambil menjalani perawatan kecantikan (beauty treatment) oleh seorang dokter ahli kosmetik laser Hadi Sugiarto.Ruangan yang seharusnya menjadi tempat bagi para nara pidana tersebut berubah menjadi ruangan pribadi Ruangan Artalyta. Didalam ruangan dipenuhi oleh foto-foto anak yang diakui Artalyta Suryani sebagai anak adopsinya.

Disebuah sudut, terdapat sebuah kolam bola berukuran besar, yang juga diakui Artalyta Suryani sebagai tempat bermain anaknya jika mengunjunginya. Demikian juga, di sebuah sudut ruangan dibangun kamar mandi khusus dengan shower dan perlengkapan seperti kamr mandi di sebuah hotel berbintang.

Tidak cuma itu. Pesawat televisi plasma , kulkas, kompor, dan sejumlah alat-alat rumah tangga lainnya berada di ruangan itu.

"Sesuai aturan, seharusnya tidak boleh ada dokter lain yang boleh masuk, selain dokter penjara. Jadi ini tidak bisa dibenarkan," kata Mas Achmad, seperti yang dikutip dari

Sepanjang sidak, ia hanya bisa diam dan geleng-geleng kepala saat melihat kondisi 'Hotel Prodeo' itu yang fasilitasnya benar-benar hampir mirip hotel berbintang.

Kepada Mas Achmad, Ayin juga mengaku sering menggunakan ruang itu untuk mengadakan rapat-rapat dengan anak buahnya karena dia masih harus mengendalikan usaha plasmanya di Lampung, dan sejumlah perusahaan propertinya. "Saya minta ruang sedikit untuk menjalankan usaha saya," katanya.

"Ini benar-benar mengagetkan. Nanti akan ada investigasi mendalam untuk memperjelas ini semua. Kita lihat saja," kata Mas Achmad dengan nada suara geram.

Saat tepergok oleh Satgas, Ayin tengah membaca buku Membongkar Gurita Cikeas: Di Balik Skandal Bank Century, yang di dalamnya, namanya disebut-sebut oleh si pengarang buku, George Junus Aditjondro, masuk dalam lingkaran keluarga kepresidenan.
Setelah mengetahui siapa sosok yang tengah memperhatikannya dari luar ruangan, Ayin pun langsung menaruh buku itu dan merapikan posisi duduknya.

Kepala Rutan Sarju Wibowo yang baru tiba pada pukul 20.45 WIB hanya bisa lemas dan pasrah saat mengetahui tempat kerjanya berhasil 'ditelanjangi' oleh Mas Achmad dan kawan-kawan. Tidak banyak kata yang bisa diucapkannya, selain kata 'siap'. "Siap pak... siap," jawabnya atas apa pun pertanyaan anggota Satgas.

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Making the world safer from crime, drugs and terrorism

The history of the UNODC presence in Thailand reflects the institutional changes that UNODC encountered in the last four decades.

In 1971 the development of the Crop Replacement Project required a permanent presence in Thailand, hence the first office was established. Subsequently, in 1986, the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control (UNFDAC) up-graded this office to the status of Field Office, thus granting wider responsibilities.

In 1991, the United Nations International Drug Control Progamme (UNDCP) further expanded the geographical mandate of the office in Thailand, which was then renamed Regional Centre for East Asia.

In 1998, the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UN/ODCCP) expanded the mandate of the Regional Centre also across the Pacific and in 2002 the office was renamed Regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacific of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

As of 1st July 2009, the Regional Centre in Bangkok oversees the UNODC activities in 34 countries and territories across East Asia and the Pacific, including the programmes implemented by the Country Offices in Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam. Project offices are present also in Cambodia, China and Indonesia.

Currently the activities implemented by UNODC in East Asia and the Pacific contribute to the achievement of the results envisaged in the 2009-2012 Regional Programme Framework.

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Conference: Indonesian Youth against Corruption

Jakarta (Indonesia), 30 November 2009 - "Student movements have helped change the course of history many times in the last 100 years. Students have a very powerful voice, they know that they can make a change," said Ajit Joy, UNODC Crime Prevention Expert, in his opening speech at the Indonesian Youth against Corruption Conference

The Conference, which was held from 20 to 25 November 2009, provided a forum for over 100 youths from all around Indonesia to come together and share their concerns about corruption and its impact on their communities. These young people put forward ideas on how to fight local corruption and identified opportunities for working with civil society and religious leaders. During the event, they had the opportunity to interact with some of Indonesia's foremost anti-corruption experts: Todung Mulya Lubis, Hikmahanto Juwana, George Junus Aditjondro and Amien Sunaryadi.

UNODC and Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission supported law students from the University of Indonesia in hosting the event, making it the first large-scale national anti-corruption conference to be held by Indonesian youth. Ilham Wahyu, President of the Student Law Society, believes that youths can promote ethics, integrity and zero tolerance for corruption within their communities.

The Conference culminated in a declaration by participants to support the fight against corruption and the development of a national action plan to guide future youth action. The youths expressed hope, solidarity and a commitment to making Indonesia a strong and corruption-free country.

The conference is one of a series of events to be held as part of the Justice Festival hosted by the law students in the lead up to International Anti-Corruption Day, which is marked every year on 9 December. A book outlining the recommendations of youths for governmental institutions, civil society and universities to better address corruption will also be launched on that day.

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UNODC and Indonesian agency team up to fight corruption

Jakarta (Indonesia), 8 December 2009 - UNODC and the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) launched two anti-corruption projects today. The projects have been funded by the Government of Norway and the European Commission. The projects will support KPK to effectively prevent, investigate and prosecute corrupt practices and recover illegally acquired assets. "Effective law enforcement is critical if we are to deter corrupt behaviour and maintain public confidence in the rule of law," said Moch Jasin, KPK Vice Chairperson at the inauguration of two anti-corruption projects.

Over the next three years, UNODC will provide an integrated programme of technical assistance, software and specialized training programmes to build capacity of key anti-corruption agencies and civil society organizations. The key elements of the projects include supply of case management software, specialized training on investigation and asset recovery, small grants to non-governmental organizations for anti-corruption campaigns and support to the new anti-corruption national strategy.

Other entities, such as the Indonesian National Police, the Attorney General's Office, the Supreme Court, the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, the State Audit Board, the Ministry of Administrative Reform and National Development Planning Agency ( BAPPENAS) will also benefit from the projects.

"UNODC's main role under the Regional Programme Framework for East Asia and the Pacific is to support partner countries to meet the obligations of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. I am confident that the two Indonesia projects will help translate the provisions of the Convention into sustainable institutions and procedures" said Gary Lewis, UNODC Regional Representative for East Asia and the Pacific, in a message on the eve of the project launch.

On the occasion of the event, Julian Wilson, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia, and Eivind Homme, Ambassador of Norway, expressed their continued commitment to supporting Indonesia address corruption. Norway has contributed US$ 2.3 million to one project and the European Commission 2.4 million euro to the second project.

Ajit Joy, UNODC Crime Prevention Expert, outlined the project components and introduced the project partners: the Partnership for Governance Reform (Indonesia), Transparency International Indonesia and Indonesia Corruption Watch. The German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Basel Institute for Governance will also assist in the implementation of the project.

The inauguration was attended by Ahmad Santosa, Acting KPK Vice Chairperson, the ambassadors of Norway and the Delegation of the European Union, and representatives of the KPK, UNODC, non-governmental organizations, university students and the media.

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